For a limited time, ANS is offering a special entrance fee for high school students, grades 9th-11th, transferring from local bilingual schools. Please contact Ivette Sotomayor, Director of Admissions, at for more information.
Entrance Fee (Cuota de Ingreso) C$ 219,745.80
Special Language Program Fees
(Cuota para alumnos de progrmas especiales)
English Language Learning ELL (per Semester)
Programa Especial de Inglés ELL (semestral)
C$ 10,987.29
Spanish Language Learning SLL (per Semester)
Programa Especial de Español (semestral)
C$ 10,987.29
Specialized Learning Fees
Nicaraguan Nationals
Weekly Frequency
Up to 60 minutes
C$ 10,987.29/semester
Up to 180 minutes
C$ 14,649.72/semester
180 minutes or more
C$ 20,143.37/semester
Accommodations only
C$ 1,831.22/semester
Foreign Nationals
(Targeted Support Minutes)
Weekly Frequency
Up to 60 minutes
C$ 23,805.80/semester
Up to 180 minutes
C$ 29,299.44/semester
180 minutes or more
C$ 43,949.16/semester
Accommodations only
C$ 3,662.43/semester
Specialized learning Fees
Nicaraguan Nationals
Primary School
Middle School
High School
2nd Student
US$ 11.75
US$ 23.75
US$ 29.00
US$ 32.25
US$ 33.75
3rd Student
US$ 35.25
US$ 71.25
US$ 87.00
US$ 96.75
US$ 101.25
4th Student
US$ 58.75
US$ 118.75
US$ 145.00
US$ 161.25
US$ 168.75
2nd Student
US$ 11.75
3rd Student
US$ 35.25
4th Student
US$ 58.75
2nd Student
US$ 23.75
3rd Student
US$ 71.25
4th Student
US$ 118.75
Primary School
2nd Student
US$ 29.00
3rd Student
US$ 87.00
4th Student
US$ 145.00
Middle School
2nd Student
US$ 32.25
3rd Student
US$ 96.75
4th Student
US$ 161.25
High School
2nd Student
US$ 33.75
3rd Student
US$ 101.25
4th Student
US$ 168.75
Important notes
*Prices in local currency (Cordobas) will remain during the school year as long as the official exchange rate remains unchanged.
The entrance fee is non-refundable and non-transferable
If a student attends any part of a semester, 100% of the semester tuition must be paid.
Tuition must be paid in the first ten days of each period (month, quarter, semester or year). A 5% fine will be charged on payments that are past due.
A C$ 732.49 fee will be charged for all dollar check drawn on international bank accounts outside the United States of America.
A C$ 366.24 fee will be charged for all checks drawn with no funds.
Payments are allowed on Credit Cards only through our Automatic Debit Program.
This tuition table may vary during the school year due to changes in the national economy.
Notas importantes
*Precios en moneda local (cordobas) se mantienen durante el año escolar siempre que la tasa de cambio oficial se mantenga sin cambios.
Si el estudiante asiste a clases en cualquier parte del semestre, deberá pagar el 100% de la colegiatura semestral.
La colegiatura deberá pagarse en los primeros diez días de cada período (mes, trimestre, semestre o año. Una multa del 5% será aplicada a pagos retrasados.
Se cobrará un cargo adicional de C$ 732.49 por todo cheque librado en bancos internacionales fuera de los Estados Unidos.
Se cobrará una multa de C$ 366.24 por todo cheque librado sin fondos.
Aceptamos pagos con tarjeta de crédito únicamente a través de nuestro Programa de Débito Automático.
Estos aranceles pueden variar durante el año, según los cambios en la economía nacional.