varsity sports

At ANS, we firmly believe in the power of sports as a transformative tool for instilling core values and fostering growth in young individuals. Our Varsity Sports Program is founded on principles of inclusivity and respect, welcoming participants from all backgrounds without discrimination based on race, color, gender, social standing, or religion.

In the realm of Varsity Sports, while the competitive spirit thrives, our ultimate barometer of success extends beyond mere victories. Our program is dedicated to imbuing students with the ANS Mission and Core Values, utilizing athletic endeavors as a platform for personal development and community building.

Through their engagement in Varsity Sports, students not only strive for athletic excellence but also embody school spirit, contributing to a vibrant and united school community. Our commitment is to nurture not only skilled athletes but also principled individuals who excel in teamwork, integrity, and leadership.

In the ANS Varsity Sports Program, success is measured by the growth we see in our students — as athletes, as leaders, and as members of the global community, perpetuating a legacy of excellence that transcends the playing field.

International Trips

Varsity Teams

basketball teams
soccer teams
swimming teams
volleyball teams

Basketball teams

ANS has practice groups for volleyball for U18 Boys, 8th grade and above.  We hold tryouts to join these teams at the beginning of the school year and players are then put into Varsity and Junior Varsity teams.  

Players who make a Varsity team have the opportunity to compete internationally at AASCA (The Association of American Schools in Central America) events as well as in various local competitions, several hosted by ANS.

Soccer Teams

ANS has practice groups for soccer in U18 Girls and Boys 8th grade and above.  We hold tryouts to join these teams at the beginning of the school year and players are then put into Varsity and Junior Varsity teams.  

Players who make a Varsity team have the opportunity to compete internationally at AASCA (The Association of American Schools in Central America) events as well as in various local competitions, several hosted by ANS.

Swimming Teams

Secondary aged swimming is during school hours and competition swimmers can be selected to participate in events held by the National Federation, events hosted by ANS and other schools throughout the year and the chance to compete internationally at AASCA (The Association of American Schools in Central America).

Track And Field team

Our Track & Field program at the Varisty level attends to students from 6th grade and up and athletes participate in events and meets throughout the year, hosted principally by the National Federation, with Secondary aged students able to compete internationally at AASCA (The Association of American Schools in Central America).

Volleyball teams

ANS has practice groups for volleyball for U18 Girls, 8th grade and above.  We hold tryouts to join these teams at the beginning of the school year and players are then put into Varsity and Junior Varsity teams.  

Players who make a Varsity team have the opportunity to compete internationally at AASCA (The Association of American Schools in Central America) events as well as in various local competitions, several hosted by ANS.